The What: This Week in Southwest Connecticut

The What is your look around southwest Connecticut for the week of Monday, Sept. 12.

The What: This Week in Southwest Connecticut
This week, fall is making its presence known across southwest Connecticut. Photo by Kelly Prinz.

Monday, Sept. 12

Happy Monday!

Based on the packed schedules for our local municipalities this week—and the start of football season!—summer is officially over and we are kicking off the busy fall season. As we head into this new season, we also have some announcements of our own to kick off the week.

For starters, keep an eye out this week for the launch of our new video effort—which includes a new TikTok account and additional videos on our existing Youtube and Instagram accounts. That means if you—or your friends, family, children, etc.—prefer to stay informed through video, you can find us there! This is part of our goal to serve the community and try to meet people where they are with high quality, informative news. Keep your eye out for our launch this week, and we’ll be doing a video version of The What next week that you don’t want to miss.

Also, we’re excited to announce we’re partnering with the Norwalk Bicycle Co-op to host a happy hour on Wednesday, Sept. 21 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m . at the 314 Beer Garden in Norwalk. If you’re interested in biking, walking, sustainable transportation, or you just want to meet us, please come out!

All are welcome and for our existing subscribers, if you bring a friend with you and they sign up for our newsletter, you can get a free drink ticket. We’d love to meet you in person!

Now looking around the region this week, two hospitals—Norwalk Hospital and Greenwich Hospital—are looking to upgrade and enhance their current offerings. Norwalk Hospital is before the city’s Planning and Zoning Commission with plans to construct a new building on site and demolish two older structures, while Greenwich Hospital is looking to construct a new Smilow Cancer Center across the street from the hospital. Learn more with our coverage of their plans this week.


Last week, after a long discussion in the Legislative and Rules Committee, the Board of Representatives voted to hold a decision on the Glenbrook Community Center, by a slim margin 21-18. The board also voted to have no discussion at the full board and move the motion to hold right away. A motion to hold essentially tables the item, allowing members of the board and the administration to gather more information before bringing it back up again. This means the item could return as soon as next month, or sometime later in the year. Take a look at our story on what the potential plans for the center could be.

The Zoning Board will host a public hearing on Monday, Sept. 12 at 6:30 p.m. on an application for Walton Place and Prospect Street. The plans call for redeveloping the site, including repurposing a church building from the 1900s, removing some structures on the site, and adding a new 224-unit multifamily residential apartment building along with green space and covered parking.

Other meetings this week include


The Recreation, Parks & Cultural Affairs Committee of the Common Council will receive a report on the city’s Recreation and Parks Master Plan at its meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 7 p.m. The plan is to update the committee on the status of the master plan study as well as the results of public engagement and survey efforts.

Other meetings this week include


The Plan & Zoning Commission will meet on Tuesday, Sept. 13 at 6:30 p.m. to continue its review and discussion of the 15 Unquowa Road proposal. The plans call for 63 units, of which 30% would be affordable. The application was filed under state statute 8-30g, which allows developers to bypass some local zoning regulations if at least 30% of the development is considered affordable.

The Affordable Housing Committee will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 7 p.m. and hear from Carol Martin, the executive director of the Fairfield Housing Authority. The committee will also discuss next steps for the town’s affordable housing plan and continue reviewing town properties that include potential affordable housing developments.

Other meetings this week include


Residents are invited to attend a conversation related to the Westchester County Airport, which is located close to the town’s border, on Tuesday, Sept. 13 at 7 p.m. at Harvest Time Church at 1338 King Street in Greenwich. Westchester County is considering updates to the airport’s master plan, and officials will be available to discuss the future of the airport, answer questions, and receive feedback from the community about their plans. Residents are encouraged to check out the master plan before the meeting.

The First Selectman’s Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities will receive a presentation from the Westport Commission on Disability “Employment is for Everyone” at its meeting on Monday, Sept. 12 at 9:15 a.m.

Other meetings this week include


The Board of Selectmen will meet on Monday, Sept. 12 at 7 p.m. to conduct a public hearing on proposed changes to transfer stations fees in town.

Other meetings this week include


The Planning and Zoning Commission will meet on Monday, Sept. 12 at 7 p.m. to host a public hearing on updates to the Gillespie Center at 45 Jesup Road.

Other meetings this week include

Please note: All of these agendas and information here are current as of Sunday night. Meeting times and agendas may get adjusted throughout the week.

Thank you for reading!

If you are interested in being a part of our reporting or just want to share your thoughts, please reach out at

Have a great week,

Kelly Prinz

Founder, Reporter at Coastal Connecticut Times