Mission and Vision
We’re refocusing our mission here at Coastal Connecticut Times in an effort to better serve our readers and our community.
Right now, many of the other news outlets in the area cater their coverage to longtime residents, people who are super active and involved in their communities. A lot of the time you already have to know what’s going on or who the key players are to understand an article.
But we—along with some of our readers—have noticed there’s nothing really for residents who are newer to the area, those who are navigating some of life’s biggest moments such as:
- buying a house
- renting your first place
- finding community in a new city
- being a parent for the first time
- navigating a new school system.
We’re going through this too—for us, Kelly and Max, the founders of Coastal Connecticut Times, we recently bought a house, we’re still finding and building our own community here, and we’re growing our family! (Baby Prinz coming December 2024)
We also know people going through these changes are busy. And just like us, we think they want to know what’s happening and why things are happening in their communities in a simple, digestible format.
That’s something that doesn’t really exist right now, so we’re building it.
Coverage Plans
Our goal is to simplify local government policies and issues in an easy-to-consume format that tells you the real impact they have on your life.
By reading our weekly newsletter or even just following us on social media, our hope is that you’ll gain a better understanding of what’s happening in your community and you can use that information to take action—whether that’s deciding to get involved in a local group that’s focused on environmental cleanups or participating in a meeting about your school district’s budget.
Our primary values include: accuracy, authenticity, and independence. And that’s why we want to spell out exactly what we plan to do, so you know why we’re covering certain things in a certain way.
We mentioned the audience we want to serve so we’re trying to pick issues and topics to dive into that matter most to them. We can’t cover every single thing happening around the region, so we’re choosing to focus on the issues that matter most. We think that includes actions—or inactions—around education (and childcare), housing, health, transportation, and the environment.
But maybe we’re missing something so feel free to reach out at coastalconnecticuttimes@gmail.com to let us know that!
We know many of you have young families or demanding careers that require long hours— we know you’re not tuning into every government meeting or following every action your local leaders take. We’re here to do that for you—to tell you what happened and explain why—and hopefully help you find a voice in your community.
Regional Focus
We set out to cover southwest Connecticut when we started, and we still are, but we’re changing our focus slightly. Our primary focus is shifting to the cities and towns where we believe most of our audience members are—Stamford, Norwalk, Fairfield, and we’re now starting to add in Bridgeport.
Since we launched in 2022, more than 75% of our readers and followers come from Stamford, Norwalk, and Fairfield, and we’ve had many requests to expand to Bridgeport, which is the largest city in Connecticut, so we’re listening to you. In fact, we already have about 10% of our readership from Bridgeport even though we weren’t really covering their community. So we’re excited to announce that we’re starting to expand there.
This doesn’t mean we won’t cover issues and initiatives coming out of Greenwich, Westport, and Darien, but our primary focus will be on issues and challenges facing our cities and larger towns and the residents in them.
As we continue to grow and evolve, please join us for this journey! You can do that by:
- Signing up for our weekly newsletter
- Following us on YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok
- Sharing our site with your friends and family
- Reaching out to us to let us know potential stories we might not know about!
Thank you for coming on this journey with us and we’re so excited for our next chapter of Coastal Connecticut Times.