A Successful Happy Hour!

This past Wednesday, we partnered with the Norwalk Bicycle Co-Op to host our first ever happy hour and wow! We had such a great time, got to meet so many amazing people, and see what makes our community so great.  

We welcomed more than 50 people to our Sustainable Streets event, including many of our dedicated members—so thank you so much for coming out. We were also thrilled to meet so many amazing new members—thank you for signing up!

For our new members, here's a look at some of our recent work and a way for you to learn more about us.

Shoutout to Emily Burnaman for capturing the amazing event!

We can't wait to meet more of you at our next event. We'll be attending a few in our area, including National Night Out in Norwalk on Tuesday, Sept. 27 and we'll be at the Family and Children's Agency's Community Block Party on Saturday, Oct. 15, so if you're around, stop by and say hi!

In the meantime, feel free to follow us on social media:

Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | TikTok | YouTube

And if you are interested in being a part of our reporting or just want to share your thoughts, please reach out at coastalconnecticuttimes@gmail.com!