The What: This Week in Southwest Connecticut

The What is your look around southwest Connecticut for the week of June 10.

The What: This Week in Southwest Connecticut
It's all things summer edition of The What. (Photo by Kelly Prinz)

Monday, June 10

Happy Monday!

Now that summer is here—officially next week—we wanted to dive into some of the ways it’s an important season for the state, as it’s essential for tourism which helps drive the state’s economy. 

In 2022, a report from Tourism Economics found that tourism drives $17 billion in annual sales for businesses across the state. In addition, Governor Ned Lamont’s office reported this year that the state parks are some of Connecticut’s “largest tourism attractions” and they “fuel the outdoor recreation economy, which contributes $4.6 billion annually to the state’s economy.”

The state’s tourism website,, had a “record 9.4 million visits,” in 2023, the office reported, up 32% from the previous year.

“Connecticut has so many beautiful outdoor recreation opportunities,” Lamont said at a “kickoff to summer” event held in May in Milford. “We are proud to be ranked the number one state in the country for hiking, with more than 2,000 miles of diverse trails in our beautiful state parks. Plentiful outdoor activity combined with an array of cultural marvels and exquisite dining, which includes the honor of hosting two James Beard Award finalists, make Connecticut an ideal place to visit this summer.”

Learn more about summer across southwest Connecticut and see some exciting upcoming summer events.

Before you hit the beach, be sure to check out our piece featuring water quality grades for across southwest Connecticut. 

Let’s see what else is happening this week.


The Board of Finance will meet on Thursday, June 13 at 7 p.m. to vote on appropriating the city’s approximately $29.5 million surplus from this year. The initial proposal calls for putting:

  • $6 million in the emergency fund, also called the rainy day fund
  • $8 million to go toward paying for capital expenses—instead of bonding, the city would use this money to pay for some of its projects
  • $1.1 million for Board of Education capital expenses
  • $1.75 million toward the risk management fund
  • $2 million for the affordable housing trust fund
  • $745,645 to an unassigned fund balance, meaning the city could use the money if there was an unexpected expense 

Other meetings this week include:


The Common Council will meet on Tuesday, June 11 at 7:30 p.m. and vote on allocating $798,000 for additional transportation engineering and related design services for Wall Street Corridor improvements, as well as on a $22,000 contract for preliminary design and grant work for the Norwalk River Valley Trail Wil-Walk spur, which will connect Wilton and Norwalk and is planned to run underneath Grist Mill Road to Glover Avenue.

Other meetings this week include: 


The Affordable Housing Committee will meet on Wednesday, June 12 at 7 p.m. to consider voting on proposed zoning text amendments that would help facilitate the creation of middle housing as well as consider allocating money from the Housing Trust Fund to support the purchase of five duplex properties.

The Board of Selectmen will meet on Wednesday, June 12 at 4:30 p.m. and vote on changing the name and focus of the Flood and Erosion Control Board to the “Flood Prevention, Climate Resilience and Erosion Control Board.”

Other meetings this week include:


There will be a Public Information Meeting for Route 1 Corridor Adaptive Signal Control Technology Improvements on June 11, 2024, at 6 p.m. to discuss the design of the project. 

Other meetings this week include: 


The Board of Finance will meet on Monday, June 10 at 7:30 p.m. to discuss and take action on an appropriation for the Great Island Master Plan.

Other meetings this week include: 


The Greater Bridgeport Regional Recycling Interlocal Committee will meet on Thursday, June 13 at 10 a.m. and discuss updates to the separate glass pilot program as well recycling contamination. 

Other meetings this week include: 

Please note: All of these agendas and information here are current as of Sunday night. Meeting times and agendas may get adjusted throughout the week.

If you are interested in being a part of our reporting or just want to share your thoughts, please reach out at

Have a great week,

Kelly Prinz

Founder, Reporter at Coastal Connecticut Times